Productivity 6 Ways I'm Improving Mental Health in 2022 I hope you'll find inspiration among these 6 Ways in which I plan to make my 2022 better than 2021. I'm temporarily veering away from my traditional topics of .NET, OSS, and Maker content. This article includes a personal story related to mental health.
Community ElectionGuard is One Of Fast Company's Next Big Things in Tech! Congratulations to the Microsoft Defending Democracy team and the awesome team from InfernoRed for being named one of FastCompany's Next Big Things in Tech.
Community Featured Join Us for Hacktoberfest 2021! Hit pause on the corn mazes and the PSLs. The real highlight of fall is here – Hacktoberfest. We are excited to celebrate the open-source community and invite you to help us improve Microsoft's ElectionGuard. Whether you are an experienced dev or brand new at this, there are opportunities for all!
.NET Stop Saving to Disk with C# Asynchronous Streams My journey to solve a hard performance problem with a new-ish language feature: asynchronous streams. This post explains what asynchrnous streams are, and shows a real-world problem they can solve.
ASP.NET Core 2 Ways to Log the Current User in ASP.Net Core How to automatically add current user info to logs in ASP.Net Core. First shown in ASP.Net Boilerplate with log4net. Next shown in ABP Framework with the Microsoft Logging Framework and Serilog.
DevOps Cake Frosting: More Maintainable C# DevOps How to write more maintainable DevOps code in C# with better tooling via the Frosting Cake Runner.
DevOps The One Thing I Wish I'd Known Before Using Cake Set yourself up for success on your next DevOps project by avoiding this gnarly Cake mistake
Xamarin.Forms Using .NET Extensions to do Dependency Injection in Xamarin.Forms .NET Extensions aren't just for ASP.NET Core. They actually provide many things that can be very useful in a Xamarin.Forms app including app configuration and dependency injection. In this post we will explore how to use the .NET Extensions dependency injection services in a Xamarin.Forms app.
Best Practices Upgrade Your Mac Terminal: A Quick Guide to Make It Beautiful and Functional Want to take control of your Mac terminal? Here's a quick guide with everything you need to get started.
Blazor Add Superpowers to Your Next ASP.NET Project with the ABP Framework ABP Framework is the next next generation of ASP.Net Boilerplate and can supercharge your next ASP.Net project.
Community Six Lessons Learned and a New Tool Published After Organizing My 1st Virtual CodeCamp 6 lessons learned while moving the NoVA Code Camp online, and announcing Sessionized, a new open source app for Code Camp organizers
Community 1K Subscribers: A Tale of Inspiration (via Hanselminutes) and Pivot (Eric Ries) I wasn't looking for inspiration the day I stumbled on that episode, but 29 of my own episodes, 47,000 views, and 5,000 watch hours of Code Hour later, my YouTube channel is a testament to Scott Hanselman's ability to inspire others.
React Two (More) Ways to Get Hooked on React Code simplification and component splitting are key to helping make SOLID and clean components. Introducing two Hooks that will help convert you.
DevOps Deploying ASP.Net Boilerplate Apps for Devs in a Hurry How to create and deploy databases, bundle SPA's, and send them to an Azure App Service - and do it quickly!
Web Blazor WebAssembly vs Angular: Client Side Clash You're starting a new project, which SPA framework should you use: Something shiny like Blazor WebAssembly or more mature like Angular?
GitHub Open Project Management with GitHub Is it possible to manage a big, important, open source project without ever leaving GitHub? Yes it is. Our team took on this concept recently with one of our most engaging and involved projects, and it worked like a charm.
ASP.NET Core How To Use API Keys To Secure Your External APIs - and Keep the Villains at Bay How to extend ASP.Net Boilerplate's security model to secure external API's with API Keys and Secrets.
Best Practices Mastering External Web API's in ASP.Net Core and ABP with Swagger, ApiExplorer, and NSwag How to expose a second Web API in Swagger with Swashbuckle and consume it in a command line app with an NSwag generated Proxy.
Community ABP CRUD Cheat Sheet: The Distilled, Essential Steps for Adding an Entity in ASP.Net Boilerplate with Angular A 15-step, quick reference guide for starting the CRUD process from scratch with a new entity in ASP.Net Boilerplate.
Development 6 Tools to Help Teach Your Kids to Code Are your kids at home right now? Here's a list of our favorite tools to get them thinking about tech beyond just Netflix and Nintendo.
Productivity A Crash Course in Remote Work: Tips from Our Team Remote work is a hot topic as more companies adopt work from home in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. We have been successfully working remote for the last 8 years. As a US-based and distributed team, we wanted to chime in to help anyone who might be doing this for the first time.
Strongly Typed, Dependency Managed Azure in C#: Introducing Cake.AzureCLI The story, nay legend, of providing strongly typed, cross platform, dependency managed access to all 2,935 Azure CLI commands in C#.
Conquer ASP.Net Boilerplate Query Performance in LINQPad, (Introducing LINQPad.ABP) How to use LINQPad, and a new plugin called LINQPad.ABP, to diagnose performance problems in ASP.Net Boilerplate applications.
ASP.NET Core Multi-Tenancy is Hard: ASP.Net Boilerplate Makes it Easy The three approaches ASP.Net Boilerplate provides for solving multi-tenancy.
ASP.NET Core Stored Procedures in ASP.Net Boilerplate Using stored procedures in ASP.Net Boilerplate is a little trickier than you might imagine.