GitHub One Linter to Rule Them All Software Ninjaneer Keith Fung explores two linting solutions that scale and can help devs working on multiple projects get quality results.
CI Code Coverage is Finally Easy in .Net Core A couple of months ago calculating code coverage on the command line was quite challenging in ASP.Net Core. Fortunately, as of last month and Visual Studio 15.8, generating the metric is easy.
Best Practices How to Increase Quality with a Code Coverage Hack In this post I'll summarize what code coverage is, how it can be abused, but also how it can be leveraged to gently increase design and architecture quality, reduce bug regressions, and provide verifiable documentation.
Xamarin Integrating Visual Studio Mobile Center and Trello using Azure Functions I'm pretty excited we're using Mobile Center to automate the app builds and releases for this project. But there was one thing I was still having to do manually - updating the Trello board after each build. Clearly this must be automated as well!