So, You Want to Build a Video Game
In 2017, InfernoRed Technology Dev Jesse Douglas and his friend decided to take on the Holy Grail of software development: a video game. Here's what they learned.
In 2017, IRT Dev Jesse Douglas and his friend decided to take on the Holy Grail of software development: a video game.
The next few years resulted in a lot of coding - and even more learning - as they built out Don't Take My Beans! a game for Android that combines the action of run and gun classics with the accessibility of endless runners.

Now that the game is finished and the team has moved on to other projects, they finally have a moment to process everything they learned taking the game from concept to reality. This retrospective aims to help other game devs learn and grow. Check it out!
Are you building a game? We'd love to hear about your experiences! Hit us up on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.